Sunday, October 19, 2014

Week 19: Holla Back at 'Cha....the 천안 Adventures Continue

I bid a very warm-hearted hello to my friends and family, (and especially to my buddies in other parts of  the vineyard if this reaches them)

So yes, in some ways this week has been kind of a tough one. I was going to talk about how about half of our confirmed appointments cancelled on us last minute and it has been really rough proselyting on the street. There hasn't been a lot of acceptance and it's felt like an uphill battle. But...capitals should be used for that...BUT, the Lord is so good and poured out miracles upon Elder Hollingsworth and me. This week we have a total of FIVE baptismal date investigators! It is crazy! Three of our investigators who accepted the invitation have only been meeting us for two weeks and come directly from us opening our mouths on the street. It is amazing how when you follow the Lord;s call to lift up your voice, that miracles start popping out of the snow like daisies...actually there isn't any snow yet, but autumn is upon us. It is exciting indeed.

Also this week I discovered a dandy little shop near the church that sells goodies form across the world. I bought some Lotus Biscuit Spread and dear Nelly friend it is so good! I think I have a new friend that I like more than peanut butter. Who would have thought I'd find English treats in the corners of Korea! Any way my mind moves to other matters.


So my studies became well today. (I use "become" as a verb in a whole new way thanks to Korean grammar. I'm not sure how much sense it makes but it is how my sentences become now :) I studied sheep today. Well, sheep and goats and the difference and why sheep are superior--why we want to be sheep. I wanted to understand that on a little deeper level. First of all my mind went back to a few years previous to a sunny afternoon spent in the library of my second home, the Denton's residence. Jenny was talking about sheep. She grew up in Idaho and I'm not sure about how factual my memory is, but she told me how they raised both sheep and goats. Growing up she would wonder why Christ wanted to be sheep. Sheep are dumb. Really dumb, I guess. It seems that goats can do pretty much just what sheep do but they're smarter. I mean, the glory of God is intelligence so why would he want us to be dumb sheep. The point, I can now clearly see, is not a sheep's intelligence, but its ability to follow, its ability to wholeheartedly and unquestionably follow its Shepherd. I love sheep.. they are so cute and fluffy and there are some things we need to take into mind when considering our fluffy friends vs. the goats.

Matt 25:32-33 says that Christ shall separate the sheep from the goats--the sheep to his right hand and the goats to his left. Later on in the chapter He says that those on His left shall be sent off into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. It seems like a steep price for being a goat! Goats are bad in the sense that they are content to lead themselves. They don't hearken the same way that sheep do. Jesus said of sheep that they hear His voice and they follow Him. I also know that if we hear His voice and follow then we will truly be free (D&C 38:27). He is the light of the world; He will lighten our way--He is the way! He is the truth and He has told us that "the truth shall make ye free!" (John 8:32).

"Christ is our shepherd and shepherds go before the sheep and the sheep follow, being more or less attached to their master, whose voice they instantly recognize " (Bible Dictionary "Sheep") Also know that if it is "my voice or the voice of my servants it is the same". So follow your priesthood leaders too. President Monson is leading the Church of Christ restored in the Latter-days. I love it...below is a little excerpt from my journal written after the concluding words at General Conference. I think it sums up how I feel and who I want to be. Am I going to be a sheep or a goat? Are you?

May I go courageously forward! Become a more valiant servant in the Kingdom of Christ. A little better. A little kinder. A little more full of love and striving more earnestly to emulate my Lord and King, Jesus Christ. May my search to push on, push onward and upward, to live like my Savior, to do what He wants me to do, to do what He would do, in all times and places. Always. That is my prayer for me and for you. Amen!

I love you

Onward and upward!!

Elder Tucker

My buddy 임현석 who will get baptized in December!!

It is fall in Korea....

...well, almost

The spread!  So GOOD